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Writer's pictureRobert Crowder Jr

How Specialty Courts are used to Solve Criminal Problem

Specialized courts are courts with files focused on specific types of crimes and offenders to give offenders and victims personal attention. These courts employ multidisciplinary

teams to adjudicate cases, address the causes of repeated and dangerous

and criminal behavior, and attempt to rehabilitate offenders. Common examples of professional programs in courts include drug courts, veterans courts, and mental health courts.

Substance abuse and mental illness are the leading causes of preventable death in the United States. In 2017, 10,874 Americans died in motor vehicle-related accidents1 and a staggering 70,237 died in drug overdoses.2 In 2017, however, 47,173 Americans died. died by suicide,3 of which 4,444 caused preventable deaths. More than 6,000 veterans committed suicide in 2016. system, but has no proper cure for their struggles. Of the people incarcerated with substance use disorders, 95% continue to struggle with addiction after release, and 60% to 80% have relapsed.Have had 3 or more previous mental health problems 2,444 convictions are higher than inmates with no mental health problems. An estimated 43% of veterans in specialized courts provide more individualized and rehabilitative treatment for these categories of offenders, reduce recidivism rates and reduce the number of preventable deaths. You can eliminate the root cause.

Specialty Court Features

Specialty Courts aim to reduce recidivism by linking offenders to treatment and rehabilitation services. Professional court judges are familiar with the unique needs of offenders on their record and work with social workers, psychologists, counselors, and other attorneys to help offenders address underlying issues. Provide access to the resources needed to resolve. their community. Specialized courts differ from pretrial diversionary schemes, which are usually run by prosecutors and are generally not subject to independent oversight.

Common Types of Specialized Courts

Mental Health Courts

Mental health courts are “specialized, treatment-oriented, problem-solving courts that divert mentally ill offenders away from the criminal justice system and into court-mandated community-based treatment programs.” A study by the Treatment Advocacy Center and the National Sheriff’s Association found that mental health courts could effectively combat the excessive imprisonment of the mentally ill. Mental health courts lower post-treatment arrestrates and incarceration days and those who graduate from mental health courts have significantly lower rates of recidivism.

Drug Courts and Driving while Intoxicated (DWI) Courts

Drug courts and DWI courts focus on offenders who suffer from substance use-related

disorders. These courts provide treatment, continuity of care for those reentering their

community, a balance of rewards and sanctions to influence behavior and are looking into providing prevention services for chronic medical conditions, including HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.DWI courts differ from drug courts in that they operate on a post-conviction model. In drug courts, if an individual meets the eligibility requirements, they “are diverted into the drug courts system prior to pleading to a charge”. According to research gathered by the National Center from three DWI courts in Georgia, repeat DWI offenders who graduated from DWI court were 65% less likely to be re-arrested for a new DWI Violations. In addition, there is a 15% recidivism rate when appearing in DWI courts, making it difficult to face DWI courts. The recidivism rate for those who did not is compared to a maximum of 35%. 17 DWI courts cost him less than other traditional options in the criminal justice system. DWI-Like courts, drug courts reduce recidivism. His 10-year study in Multnomah County, Oregon, found that the establishment of 4,444 drug courts reduced recidivism rates from 17% to 26%.

Veteran Court

Veteran Court handles only cases involving experienced offenders. Veterans Court

provides treatment that emphasizes the shared experience of veterans and includes

's experienced mentors as part of the treatment plan. Court programs include medical and mental health treatment,

Housing and Employment Services.

He also enlists veteran volunteers who are assisting 4,444 registrants with the help of mentoring and other services. People enrolled in the

Forensics Program for Veterans Affairs had better post-enrollment patient outcomes and quality of life than and were more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, depression, self-harm, and clinical improvements in social relationships have been reported.21

Other Specialty Courts

The Specialty Courts model can be applied to other categories of offenses or offenders. For example, some jurisdictions are experimenting with 4,444 domestic violence courts, 4,444 homeless courts, and 4,444 prostitution courts.

Public Safety Conclusion

Specialized courts are effective in reducing recidivism and improving public safety by providing categories of offenders who are at chronic risk of recidivism or who may benefit from rehabilitation. am. injury. Mental health, drug, and veterans courts are among the most common examples of specialized courts, but jurisdictions across the country apply the specialized court model to other categories of offenses or offenders. . By facilitating treatment and rehabilitation, these courts can help treat and eliminate some of the major causes of preventabled.

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